ALCA Chapter IX
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2010
– 1:30
Attendees: Karena Valkyrie, President; Margaret Fox, Treasurer; Kim Compton,
Communications/Website Coordinator; Kathy King, Secretary; and Mary Earnest, President
Karena Valkyrie, President welcomed new committee members and ask
everyone to introduce
themselves and share their interest in the field and
Executive Committee Status
President Valkyrie reported the current positions that need to be filled are:
1. Member at
Large (1)
2. Historian/Parliamentarian
She suggested that all committee members consider a Skype computer connection
to enhance communications between members.
Promotional Efforts
The committee discussed a need for a banner for the chapter and Kathy
King volunteered to be in charge of that. In addition, the committee discussed
the need to gather information regarding community calendars in the chapter area to request that all workshops and special
events be included in the calendar.
Tentative Activities Calendar
September Workshop, Business Meeting 9/10, tentative location –
Wiregrass Rehabilitation
Center, Dothan,
with a possible theme of “Understanding New Ethical Guidelines.” Dr. Paul Hart will be contacted by President
Valkyrie as a possible presenter.
Membership Growth Starategy/Drive, Home Reception, 10/14, 5:30 PM, Kathy King’s home, Dothan
with a possible theme of “Lead the Way Strengthening ALCA.”
Spring Workshop, February, Troy
University, Troy,
Topic – “Diversity of Group Counseling”, Dr. Lynn Boyd has confirmed.
ALCA Annual Calendar of Activities
Committee reviewed annual newsletter deadlines, Annual Conference and
Executive Council meetings.
Chapter Activities Calendar/ Plan of Action
President Valkyrie will develop an activities calendar/plan of action
with annual goals and objectives.
Initiation of Officers
The committee discussed having a formal initiation of officers at the
February meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary T. Earnest, Secretary and President-Elect