Ginny Shelton and K. T. Valkyries' article entitled, Exploring Stress as a Predictor of Bulimia and Drive
for Thinness in a College Student Population was published in the recent ALCA Journal.
Ashleigh Kerlin, a Troy graduate student has become
our new grad student blogger. We thank her in advance for her insights into the life a grad student. Welcome Ashleigh!
In our prayers...
Fran Davidson on the loss of her husband.
Nancy Shelton, Ginny Shelton's mother, continues
her "fight" with cancer.
Other Info
Justin Prescott and Lettie Jones return as the
co-chairs of the 2009-2010 Awards Committee for Chapter IX. Contact either one
if you want to submit an award for one of your colleagues.;
The economic crisis continues and times are still
stressful especially given the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We may be tempted to doubt or question our personal
Yet challenging times can be a powerful catalyst
for personal reflection and re-focusing of dreams, goals, and aspirations. It
is up to us to decide how we will respond when times are tough and we “hit the wall.”
If you are feeling down, and in a “poor
me” or simply an anxious place, I would recommend that you visit Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture video. Sit back and learn what how he responded to his
very personal pancreatic cancer wall. Dr.
Pausch's courage and inspiratoinal outlook continue to inspire many. KTV
Summer Haiku
children playing hide & seek,
their feet crushing pine cones--
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Chelsea Barberlero